Industrial Solutions EXAMPLES
(Industrial Applications in US & international companies)
Oil Storage Tanks: Insulation coating is typically used on heavy oil storage tanks maintaining contents temperatures ranging from 140F (60C) to 180F (82 C). Insulation coating is also used on light fuel storage tanks to prevent outgassing of contents due to solar heat loading. Coating application thickness at 80 mils (0.080" or 2mm) has reduced supplementary steam heating by 50% at a location with a 100F (37C) difference between contents and ambient temperature.
LPG Hemispheric Storage Tanks: Insulation coating is used to reduce solar heat loading of LPG contents and atmospheric venting. A coating thickness of 20 mils (0.020" or 0.5mm) provides a radiant barrier against solar heat radiation for up to 80% reduction of surface heat loading. The upper 60% of hemispheric tanks are coated to provide heat dissipation through the lower surfaces during non-solar load ambient temperatures.
Process Towers: Depending on processes, geographic locations, and service temperatures, coating only applications and hybrid application of coating and traditional materials have proven successful in supporting process stability, to prevent corrosion under insulation (CUI), provide heat retention, personnel protection, and visual inspection of surfaces.
Heat Exchangers: Vessel geometry drives up the cost of conventional insulation and it's very difficult to maintain protection against worker damage and rain with conventional materials. Inspection is more expensive and involves reinstalling materials afterward. Insulation coating can be applied directly to all surfaces, including nuts/bolts on flanges and valves and provide visual inspection of all surfaces for up to 15 years subject to proper maintenance.
Steam Lines: Wrapping steam lines and valves can be time consuming and expensive to maintain or inspect. Once blankets are removed from valves or other equipment they're rarely reinstalled correctly. A recommended service temperature for insulation coating of 350F (177C) provides a margin of error to support temperature spikes above 400F for short durations.
Product Lines: Visual inspection, maintaining process temperature and personnel protection are significant benefits together with eliminating corrosion under insulation on product lines.
Butane or Other Cold Process Lines: Cold lines produce condensation and accelerate corrosion on equipment. Insulation coating provides a barrier to condensation reaching equipment surfaces and will greatly reduce or even eliminate condensation on cold surfaces.
Ducts or Exhaust Stacks: Hot gases condense on interior ductwork or exhaust stacks cold surfaces to produce corrosive mixtures that prematurely accelerate degradation of metal. Insulation coating can maintain insulation performance despite wet conditions and keeps surface temperatures higher to prevent or significantly reduce interior duct condensation.